NSF Cyberinfrastructure Grant Proposals Due Aug. 23
posted on July 18, 2016

For those applying for an NSF grant in the next round, your full proposal for the Campus Cyberinfrastructure grant is due to the National Science Foundation on Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2016. If you still need product quotes from an HPC vendor, we at Advanced Clustering Technologies are available to help. You can request a quote today. Our quote […]

New Report Offers Guidance to NSF on HPC Priorities
posted on May 4, 2016

The National Academies for Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine issued a report today that offers guidance to the National Science Foundation on national high performance computing policy. Commissioned by the NSF, the report covers priorities within cyberinfrastructure, software modernization, and blended simulation-big data computation capability. “We are very pleased with the National Academy’s report and are […]


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