DURIP Grant Proposals are Due July 7

Posted on June 22, 2017

The deadline for grant proposals made through the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) is Friday, July 7. There’s still time to write your proposal, and we can help.

The DURIP grant support university research infrastructure essential to high-quality Navy relevant research. The research instrumentation that is necessary to carry out cutting-edge research.

DURIP grants are used for major equipment in support of current or new DOD-relevant research. Grant proposals may request funding amounts ranging from $50,000 to $1,500,000.

As with many HPC-related grant programs, DURIP grant funds cannot be used for the construction or modification of buildings, building support systems or fixed equipment.

Learn more about DURIP grant so that you can apply this year.

How can we help?
Advanced Clustering Technologies is happy to consult with you for the purpose of making HPC hardware recommendations. We can also provide a quote that you can use as the basis for your grant proposal. Request a consultation today.

We can also offer assistance with your grant proposal. We have published a white paper that guides you through best practices for grant proposals for HPC purchases. Download your copy of your grant writing white paper today.


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