Program Set for Virtual RMACC HPC Symposium

Posted on April 15, 2021

Registration is underway for the Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium’s  (RMACC) 11th Annual High Performance Computing Symposium, scheduled on-line for May 19-20.  The Symposium will once again be offered free of charge with lead sponsorship support from Intel and Dell with additional support from ARM and HPE.

The diverse multi-track program includes tutorials and panel discussions on green practices in HPC; HPC for Scientific Visualization; Machine Learning; and GPU. Keynote talks will be presented by Duke’s Dr. Amanda Randles and Oklahoma’s Dr. Amy McGovern.

Randles, a leading expert in the use of high-performance computing in biomedical engineering, will give the opening Keynote on the 19th. McGovern, who leads the NSF AI Institute for Research on Trustworthy AI in Weather, Climate, and Coastal Oceanography, will speak on the 20th.  Their appearances – along with the many diverse sessions – continues the RMACC’s tradition of showcasing cutting-edge HPC achievements in both industry and education.   Sessions on opportunities for women in the HPC field also are scheduled.

The Symposium once again features a poster competition for students to showcase their research, said Becky Yeager, the RMACC’s Executive Director and Symposium coordinator.  Winners will earn an all-expenses paid trip to the Super Computing Conference – SC21 – in St. Louis, MO in November.

Links to Symposium registration, the complete program schedule, and how to enter the poster competition can be found at


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