Mellanox: InfiniBand Delivers up to 250% Higher ROI for HPC

Posted on April 24, 2017

Mellanox InfiniBandMellanox announced today that EDR 100Gb/s InfiniBand solutions have demonstrated 30 to 250 percent higher HPC applications performance versus Omni-Path.

This finding is the result of  performance tests conducted at end-user installations and the Mellanox benchmarking and research center.

Examples of highly used HPC applications that were part of the testing include:

Molecular dynamics application designed for chemical simulations of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids.
Performance: GROMACS has demonstrated a 140 percent performance advantage on an InfiniBand-enabled 64-node cluster.

Molecular biology application used to simulate large biomolecula.
Performance:  NAMD has a 250 percent performance advantage on an InfiniBand-enabled 128-node cluster.

A multi-physics simulation application used by the automotive, aerospace, manufacturing and bioengineering industries.
Performance: LS-DYNA has a 110 percent performance advantage running on an InfiniBand-enabled 32-node cluster.

Mellanox will be making the full testing report available on its website soon.

 Advanced Clustering: Experts at Deploying InfiniBand-enabled HPC Clusters

Advanced Clustering Technologies integrated our first InfiniBand cluster in 2003, and it ended up on the Top500 list of supercomputers. Since then, we’ve deployed hundreds of IB clusters across North America.

The InfiniBand-enabled cluster deployments have allowed us to build a working knowledge on all aspects of the InfiniBand topology to the point where we’re able to utilize this expertise in determining optimum configurations to maximize efficiencies.

With the prevalence of multiple, multi-core processors in server and storage systems, overall platform efficiency as well as CPU and memory utilization depends increasingly on interconnect bandwidth and latency.

Whether you’re buying a new cluster or upgrading an existing one, our engineers will work with you to determine which interconnect and which subscription rate is right for your needs. Request more information about Advanced Clustering’s InfiniBand-enabled HPC clusters.






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