Introducing our Whisper-Quiet, Liquid-Cooled Workstations

Posted on April 15, 2015

We’re offering the best combination of price, performance, and Linux compatibility with our new line of MicroMicroHPC Advanced WorkstationHPC Workstations. Our workstations provide you with a cost-effective HPC alternative that gives you the performance and flexibility you need in a high performance computing solution.

MicroHPC whisper quiet workstations are great development environments that allow you to test your code before running it on a large-scale HPC system. You don’t need space in a data center. Our workstations stay at your desk.

All workstations offered by Advanced Clustering Technologies are built around Intel® Xeon® processors that are closed-loop and water-cooled for server-grade performance. Liquid cooling increases reliability and decreases the noise you’d have with spinning fans.

Get high performance without compromise from any of the four whisper quiet workstations we’ve designed to meet any HPC need.

Get more information about MicroHPC workstations and request a quote today.


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