IDC Report: The Top Pain Points of HPC Customers

Posted on December 12, 2016

Software is the No. 1 pain point for high performance computing (HPC) customers, according to the IDC’s latest HPC update issued at SC16 in Salt Lake City.

IDC reports that software is challenging for several reasons: better management software is needed, parallel software is lacking for most users and many applications will need a major redesign to be more aligned with high performance computing needs.

The second pain point for high performance computing customers is storage access time.
Areal density, the IDC reports, has improved much faster than access density.

Other top HPC customer pain points include:

  • Clusters are hard to use and manage
  • System management & growing cluster complexity
  • Power, cooling and floor space are major issues
  • Storage and data management are becoming new bottle necks
  • Lack of support for heterogeneous environment and accelerators

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