Advanced Clustering Technologies has just published the sixth edition of the White Paper called Best Practices for HPC Grant Proposal Writing. 

The white paper, originally published in 2014, serves as a resource for anyone who is planning to write a grant proposal for HPC equipment. 

Based on interviews with customers who have successfully sought HPC grant funding, the white paper also draws upon the vendor’s 20+ years of experience supporting customers’ grant writing efforts. 

If you are planning to seek grant funding from the National Science Foundation, particularly through the Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) or Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CC+) programs, this white paper will serve as an important resource by providing you with:

  • links to sample proposals that have won funding in the past
  • details about the major grant programs including links to the full solicitations
  • comprehensive checklists as you set out to write your MRI or CC+ grant proposal
  • information about determining your eligibility for grant programs
  • cost-sharing requirements as they apply to your proposal
  • the importance of naming your proposed system and outlining the broad impact
  • questions you need to ask your HPC vendor(s) and the importance of obtaining quotes
  • how to define your cluster management plan
  • examples of critiques (pro and con) for other HPC grant proposals
  • and more!


Use the form below to download our Grant Writing White Paper:

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