HPC Cluster Blog – Consulting

Posted on April 16, 2014

Are you thinking of purchasing a new HPC cluster? Maybe you are considering expanding your current environment? Not sure where to start? Contact Advanced Clustering Technologies and discuss your concerns with sales and engineering to determine which direction is best for you.

You’ve heard of the Intel Phi co-processor, perhaps you’ve seen others working with GPU’s. Not sure which is best for your research? Let us help by asking the right questions. Maybe neither will benefit your jobs and using the same money to purchase more compute nodes is best solution for you.

At Advanced Clustering Technologies we pride ourselves on consulting with our customers to help determine how to get the most out of their budget. We can help you with the complete solution from under the floor to the top of the rack.

How are you going to cool the cluster? Advanced Clustering Technologies has worked with many solutions: from cooling the entire room to in row chillers to rear door heat exchangers or to simply venting the heat out of the room. We can help you decide which way is best by providing the heat load of the cluster before it is purchased so you can have the proper solution in place before delivery.

Another area we see many questions is with the cluster’s interconnect. Some want the latest and greatest, but perhaps your software doesn’t support speeds over 1Gb. If it does, you have choices. Advanced Clustering Technologies’ engineers can help you decide if InfiniBand or a 10Gb network is best for your application. By taking the time to ask the right questions and even providing access to our test cluster, we can help you make better choices to get the most out of your purchase for many years to come.

Not sure about installing the cluster when it arrives? We can help with that too by offering installation, set up and training. If you prefer, we can send engineers on site to take care of this for you.
Advanced Clustering Technologies has been building High Performance Compute (HPC) clusters for 13 years and has worked with higher education, corporations and government organizations and with this experience, we are sure we can help you too.

Give us a call at 866.802.8222 or email us at [email protected] with your questions or concerns.


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