Guest Blog: Dispelling the 7 Myths of Cloud

Posted on May 30, 2017

Wolfgang Gentzsch, President and Co-Founder of The UberCloud, has written an article in which he dispells the most popular myths about cloud computing.

As Wolfgang writes, “In the early days, each cloud experiment took three months on average, and had a 50% failure rate. Today, our cloud experiments take just a few days, and have a 0% failure rate. What has happened? Five years ago, cloud computing for compute-intensive engineering and scientific applications was in its infancy, and we faced several severe roadblocks.”

“But over the years we have learned how to reduce or even remove them. And while the roadblocks were real five years ago, many of them have turned into myths, with the advent of new technologies, business models, and the growing acceptance of cloud computing. Let’s have a closer look.”

Read the full article here.

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