Advanced Clustering Attending PEARC19 as a Bronze Sponsor

Posted on June 4, 2019

Come and see us next month at the Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEAR19) conference, which takes place July 28 – Aug. 1 at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Chicago.

The theme for this year’s event is Rise of the Machines (Learning). Advanced Clustering will be on hand to talk about our custom, turn-key HPC solutions for AI and deep learning. You can register for the event here. If you’re planning to attend and want to schedule a meeting, you can contact us here.

PEARC19 is focusing on machine learning and artificial intelligence which are dynamically impacting a diverse range of fields from materials science to medicine while shaping the skills of an emergent workforce. The conference schedule includes tutorials, plenary talks, panels and technical content.



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